As you strive to keep up with day-to-day operations, it is often challenging to step back with an objective eye to reflect upon the state of your role and that of your organization. This inventory will take only a few moments to provide a snapshot of where you are excellent now (Congratulations!) and what could use more of your attention.
Beside each item, indiciate N = Almost Never, R = Rarely, S = Sometimes, U = Usually, A = Almost Always
Decisions are consistently made in alignment with the overall purpose of the organization.
Our employees are passionate about contributing to organizational success.
Strategic priorities drive consistent business results.
We are the best at what we choose to implement.
Individuals work under clear, mutually understood expectations.
We leverage opportunities to implement innovative products / services.
We have the time, talent, and resources to deliver on our strategic ideas.
Our business systems enable us to continuously improve our cost effectiveness.
Individuals show respect and behave in ways that build trust.
Diversity in thought and open discussion results in unity in action.
Individuals have materials & equipment to do their work well.
Communication channels are open and effectively utilized.
Careful recruiting is preventive maintenance for performance management.
Individuals work from their strengths daily.
We have the right people in the right jobs performing to high standards.
New employees and newly promoted managers are assimilated effectively.
Feedback is frequent and specific – both praise for progress and results, and coaching for development.
Recognition and reward systems effectively reinforce individual and team performance.
Information sharing occurs across all boundaries.
Lifelong learning is expected, encouraged and actively invested in.
Individual opinions are welcome, listened to, and matter.
Personal as well as technical development is valued and supported.
Career development is important to our success.
Our operational activities run consistently and effectively to enable us to focus on long-range business strategies.
We create our own opportunities.
We can respond to marketplace demands.
Leadership is delegated in ways that leverage strengths as needed.
Accountability is the norm in place of blame and micromanagement.
Customer satisfaction results from expertise in building strong relationships.
Trust enables problem-solving and genuine teamwork.
Risk is managed by strong project management and investment strategies.
I challenge assumptions and focus dialogue on the right questions. Decisions are made from data and these conversations. Decisive actions will naturally follow.
My successors are positioned to sustain our success.
I am continually proud of the organization we have built.
How did your organization come out: Passable – Capable – Competent – Effective – Excellent?
Which of these items are important to you and a priority to improve on right now with some focused attention?
withinsight enterprises enables time-pressured executives to focus on what really matters for individual and organizational excellence. Could this be your time? Click Email Me in the top right corner of this page to begin a conversation.